Thursday, September 29, 2011

A personal message from Dolores Lucero, Shasta Lake City Council Woman.


A personal message from Dolores Lucero, Shasta Lake City Council Woman.

When I was campaigning in 2009, I assured the people of this city if they voted for me that I would watch out for them and not allow “business as usual” in the city to continue.  I told them I would bring a change to the City of Shasta Lake and I have kept my promise.

In my time on the council, I have discovered wasteful spending of YOUR money and I am working hard to ensure that will not continue.

Did you know that only two council people approve the city’s expenses?  Even though I am on the council, I am not given a copy of the monthly expense reports to examine.  This was done intentionally by the “unelected” city manager.

The law requires the full five-member council to approve the expenses.  However, in 1997, the Shasta Lake City Council circumvented that law and passed an ordinance that allows only two members of the five to approve the expenses.  The other three council members do not get copies of the expenses.  The reason that the law requires the full council to get an expense report each month is so if there is a suspicious expense, any member of the council can ask for an explanation right then and there.  This is to ensure a system of checks and balances.  I have asked the council to reinstate the law that requires the full council to be able to see the expense report.  I was met with a complete denial across the board.  That is one reason why I am suspicious of, and question other things that the rest of the council and city staff wants me to “rubber stamp”.  I will not give up until the law requiring all five council members to be able to oversee and approve the expenses is being followed.

In order to gain access to the expenses, I was forced to use the California Public Records Act, and pay 10 cents per copy.  I have solicited the help of a local watchdog group to help me look through the city’s files.  We are uncovering more and more wasteful spending by the city.  At the moment, we are keeping most of our findings confidential but soon we will issue a final report on what we have found and it will be available to the public and to the Grand Jury.

Now, I find myself the subject of a recall.  It is no wonder why they want me out of office; they clearly see me as a threat to them.  How can they continue to waste YOUR money with me on the council and snooping around in the city’s files?

Some interesting facts that you might like to know:

The median income in Shasta Lake City is a little over $26,000 a year while our city manager makes (with salary and benefits), almost $200,000 a year.  She doesn’t even live in Shasta Lake, she lives in Anderson and yet, she has a city-paid-for vehicle in which to drive to and from work each day.  The Shasta Lake taxpayer’s pay for the gas and insurance on her vehicle.  Many people who work for Shasta Lake City also earn inflated salaries.   I want to end inflated salaries and all the perks that go along with that.

Even if I am recalled, I will not stop my investigation.  But, I urge you NOT to sign the recall petition and allow me to stay in office so that I can continue to protect you and your money.  

For more information, please visit my website:  I thank you for your support and together, we CAN make a difference.

Your friend,
Dolores Lucero

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